Wireless Audio System

Wireless audio System provider in Qatar

We offers a huge range of Audio Systems designed to broadcast bells, music, alerts and announcements in schools, colleges, factories, logistics hubs, Nursing home and more.

Our range of Audio Systems:

  • Interior and exterior audio speakers to broadcast bells, alerts and messages.
  • Interior and exterior strobes synchronized with audio speakers.
  • A choice of both wired and remote triggering systems for easier management of alarms and bells.
  • Microphones to record and send messages.

Advantages of our system

An All-in-One Solution

Manage your bell times, broadcast alerts, stream music and make live announcements.


Minimalist, aesthetically-pleasing solutions to fit seamlessly into all buildings.

A Modular System

Add hardware and functionality at low cost.

Compatible With Our Clocks

Our Bell Systems are synchronized with our clocks.
